How You Can Give
How You Can Give
Giving Opportunities
We are excited about the new beginnings at Genesis and
the possibilities we have of sharing God's love with our community.
Please consider making this a reality by saying "yes" to one of the opportunities listed below.
Worship Service Greeter
Welcome Center Greeter
Nursery Assistant
Children's Church Assistant
Sound Booth in Service
PowerPoint Operator in Service
Church Watchperson
(Lock the doors and turn off lights after church on Sundays)
Counter for Sunday's Offering
Building Upkeep Team
Evangelism Team
Tithes & Offerings
In Person
You can give in person at the Church office or during the weekend worship experience.
Simple and secure. Give a single gift or schedule a recurring giving using your checking account, debit or credit card.
You can set up automatic bank pay. If you'd like to discuss assets you would like to give, please contact the church office
Text GENESISROA to 73256, followed by the gift amount, to give online through text (ex. GENESISROA 10)
Smart Giving uses industry-leading security to protect your personal information, and is never charged to your phone bill.